Book Reviews

Thank you for your interest in writing a book review for the Michigan Law Review’s Annual Survey of Books! Our reviewers perform a valuable service for the legal community, and we greatly appreciate your desire to contribute. In order to assist us in making our selections, please follow these guidelines when submitting a book review proposal. Selections for Volume 123 are complete. The next Volume will likely begin selecting pieces in early 2025.

Submission Guidelines
Please send all submissions to the Book Review office at There are two options for submission:

(1) Submit a full draft manuscript. While we strongly encourage full manuscripts, we understand that this is not always possible.

(2) Submit a short draft section of your review, ideally three to five pages, along with a formal one- or two-page proposal that includes:

  • Information about the book(s) you propose to review. This should include: author, title, publisher, and publication date; a brief overview of the book’s contents; and a brief description of the book’s place within legal scholarship, including an explanation of why you think the book is important and timely.
  • Information about the piece you propose to write. This should include: a summary of the anticipated content or scope of the review, including a description of the angle you plan to take and the novel arguments that you anticipate advancing in the piece; and the stage you have reached in writing the review and the earliest date at which you could complete a draft.

Whether you submit a full draft or a proposal, please include the following information:

  • If you have previously published with the Michigan Law Review;
  • Any information relevant to either the book or proposed review, including, for example, a relationship with the author or a particular expertise in the area; and
  • Your CV

If you have any questions, please email the Book Review office at