MLR Online
The Michigan Law Review Online is currently closed for submissions. Please check this page for updates on when submissions will reopen.
The Michigan Law Review invites essay submissions on current areas of legal thought and research for Michigan Law Review Online, the journal’s online publication.
MLR Online publishes short articles and op-ed style pieces by academics, judges, practitioners, and law students, as well as timely responses to articles in the print journal of the Michigan Law Review. Our online companion quickly disseminates the legal community’s initial impressions of important judicial decisions and legislative developments.
MLR Online strongly prefers submissions of between 4,000 and 8,000 words, including footnotes. Submissions should be written in a style accessible to a general audience of practitioners and policymakers. Pieces will be published on an expedited production schedule.
Please send pieces for consideration, as well as any questions, to the Executive Editors of MLR Online.